In March 1945, which was during the Second World War, Tokyo was subjected to a major air raid by B-29 formation of USA. So, in April "army special information department", a unit directly under the staff headquarters, was secretly placed in Suginami Ward Tokyo.
मार्च 1 9 45 मा, जुन दोस्रो विश्वयुद्धको दौडान भएको थियो, टोक्यो बी.एस. 9 9 को संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका गठनको प्रमुख हवाई आक्रमण भएको थियो। त्यसकारण, अप्रिलमा "सेना विशेष जानकारी विभाग", सीधा एक कर्मचारी कर्मचारी मुख्यालय अन्तर्गत, गोपनीय रूपमा सुगिनीमी वर्ल्ड टोक्योमा राखिएको थियो।
The mission of the unit, even its presence was strictly confidential, was to intercept the Morse code transmitted by the B - 29. That unit consisted of over 100 people and was assigned the duty 24 hours a day.
इकाईको मिशन, यसको उपस्थिति पनि सख्त गोपनीय थियो, बी -2 9 ले प्रसारण गरिएको मोर्स कोडलाई रोक्न थियो। त्यो एकाइले 100 भन्दा धेरै व्यक्तिहरू समावेश गरेको थियो र दिनमा 24 घण्टाको कर्तव्य नियुक्त गरिएको थियो।
”We started calling it under the name "special mission aircraft"”
"हामीले यो नामको नाममा बोलाउन थाले" विशेष मिशन विमान "" "
”They thought that it was very strange. And they were chasing it hard."
"तिनीहरूले सोचे कि यो धेरै अजीब थियो। अनि तिनीहरू कडा मेहनत गरिरहेका थिए। "
By the way, Japan also had a chance to develop atomic bombs in spring around 1960.
(The photo was the atomic bomb explosion unit, the 509 hybrid group)
(फोटो परमाणु बम विस्फोट इकाई थियो, 50 9 हाइब्रिड समूह)
”When an airplane makes a radio wave, it is roughly a meteorological reconnaissance”
"जब एक हवाई जहाज रेडियो लहर बनाइन्छ, यो एक मौसम विज्ञान पुनर्गठन"
"This is a terrific not A terrible situation!"
"यो एक भयानक छैन भयानक स्थिति!"
”A special reconnaissance plane passed through the sky above Hiroshima and sent a short phone.”
"एक विशेष टापु विमान हिरोशिमा माथि आकाश बाट पारित गरी छोटो फोन पठायो।"
The executive says who was information staff gave a cheeky word saying, "You guys, everyone, you got a nice job, and we will track and destroy air planes all if similar call signs came out next time"at the ceremony.
Following the words, the next atomic bomb dropping air plane should not be able to pass through.
But, the special information department caught that the B - 29 which uses the V - 600 series again flew off Tinian Island in the early August 9 th. Lieutenant Daejeon, who actually intercepted this call sign, immediately informs the central department as "a bomb is dropped somewhere in Japan after several hours!"
Materials supporting the fact that the information was transmitted to the general staff headquarters are found in the "Defense Research Center War History Division".
The document was the scrawl of Colonel Staff of the then chiefs of the General Staff of the General Staff, "I was aware of the communication beforehand 5 hours before the (Nagasaki Atomic Bomb) drop". " In other words, around 11:02 on Nagasaki 5 o'clock in the morning around 6 o'clock, it was informed that the special mission aircraft (atomic bomb dropping aircraft) was headed to Japan again at the headquarters staff.
"The military was aware of it beforehand" "5 hours before the bombing to Nagasaki"
"सेना पहिले नै यो थाह थियो" "नागासाकी बमोजिम बमोजिम 5 घण्टा पहिले"
The B-29 box car, which was caught by the information department, was approaching Kyushu around 9:00 am with the atomic bomb "Fat Man" loaded.
It was for going to KOKURA which is the first target drop point.
But Kokura's sky was covered with thick clouds, the box car changed its way to Nagasaki, the second target of the investigation.
”box carr" "बक्स कार"
At that time, Omura in Nagasaki Prefecture had a naval air base, which was a base for air defense around Kyushu, Omura Airways and the 352 Aircraft Corps were ready for the B-29 formation.
6 अगस्त को, श्री होंडाले ह्याओगो देखि ओमुरा सम्मको घरमा हिरोशिमा माथि माथिको परमाणु बम विस्फोट गरेका थिए। यद्यपि उहाँले परमाणु बमलाई बुझ्नुभएन भने, यदि नयाँ बमले तुरुन्तै शहर बदलिदिएको भूमिमा झम्किरहेको छ, र बी -2 9मा बम विस्फोटको लागि यहाँ आउनुभयो भने, उनले बी -2 9 को बावजूद आफ्नो हृदयमा कसरत गरे ।
"Shiden Kai" who was in charge of interception of B-29 along with Raiden, Gekkou, Zero Fighter"
"शेडेन काई" जो कि बीडब्ल्यू 2 को अन्तर्वार्ता को रडेन, गेकको, शून्य फाइटर संगै थियो "
But. Honda et al. Were not ordered to sortie. The task given to Mr. Honda who said that he actually dropped the B - 29 was to carry severely injured people from Nagasaki to a naval hospital.
तर। होंडा एट अल। क्रमबद्ध गर्न आदेश छैन। श्री हौंडालाई दिइएको कार्य जसले भन्छ कि उनले वास्तवमा बी -2 9 लाई पराजित गरे नागासाकीका गम्भीर घाइते भएका व्यक्तिहरूलाई नौसेना अस्पतालमा लैजानुपर्छ।
While the box car was approaching Nagasaki every moment, the upper army of the army was holding the Supreme War Leader Conference. Especially at 10:30 a report was reported that the Soviet Army declared a battlefield and attacked Manchuria and discussed whether to accept the "Potsdam Declaration", but one of the most worrying things was "Surrender In case, it seems that they were worried that they would be tried as war criminals. "
जब बक्स कार हरेक क्षण नागासाकीको नजिक पुग्यो, सेनाको माथिल्लो सेनाले सर्वोच्च युद्ध नेता सम्मेलन गरिरहेको थियो। विशेष गरी 10:30 मा एक रिपोर्ट रिपोर्ट गरियो कि सोवियत सेनाले युद्ध को मैदान को घोषणा गरे र मांचुरिया मा हमला गरे र "पोट्सडैम घोषणा" को स्वीकार गर्न को बारे मा चर्चा गरे, तर सबै भन्दा ज्यादा चिंताजनक चीजहरु मध्ये एक थियो "सरेंडर को मामला मा, यो लाग््छ कि उनि चिंतित थिए कि तिनीहरू युद्ध अपराधीहरूको रूपमा प्रयास गर्थे। "
"10:30am 9th August " "10:30 9 अक्टोबर"
At 11: 02. Even then again, no atomic bomb warning was issued, and an atomic bomb bursted over Nagasaki citizens.
11: 02. फेरि पनि, कुनै परमाणु बम चेतावनी जारी गरिएन, र नागासाकी नागरिकहरु मा फटिएको एक परमाणु बम।
Honda knows the fact that the upper layer of the army caught the existence of atomic bomb dropping machines five hours ago only after 66 years since the war.
हौडाले यो तथ्यलाई थाहा छ कि सेनाको माथिल्लो तहमा कम्तीमा 66 वर्षपछि युद्ध पछिको आठौं बम विस्फोटक पदार्थहरूको अस्तित्व पकियो।
Former Japanese army pilot ”Nagasaki has never been bombed if the HQ is even issuing a sortie command at that time”
पूर्व जापानी सेना पायलट "यदि मुख्यालय पनि उस समय एक sortie आदेश जारी गरिरहेको छ भने नागासाकी बमबारी गरिएको छैन"
"Does the Headquarters understand? Why is the Commander issuing orders? Then, if it is five hours, it should have been enough to wait."
"के हेड क्वाटरले बुझ्छ? कमांडर जारी गर्ने आदेश किन छ? त्यसपछि, यदि यो पाँच घण्टा छ भने, यो पर्खाइको लागि पर्याप्त हुनुपर्दछ।"